
Transport Business

Project Details


The Client

12GO is a software company that is dedicated to provide ease of use and efficiency in the transport sector. 12GO offers 6 smart tools for more efficiency in daily transport management.

The Goal

12GO sought a fresh user interface for their planning software, a redesigned website, and complementary print media showcasing their products and services.


What I did

First of all I designed a new interface of their planning program alongside an interface of a mobile application. After that I designed a new website for 12GO with some print media.

User Experience & User Interface

01. New user interface

12GO offers a customized planning program in which transport businesses can plan trips, distribute orders, create missions and communicate with the drivers. In short, everything you need for efficient planning.

I redesigned their planning program completely and came with a new and fresh design. The focus on this new design was to provide an optimized user experience for the planners.

Below you can see some of designs I made. And on the 12GO PLAN product page you can learn more about the functionalities of the TMS software that we designed.

01. Requirements Analysis

So first of all it’s important to know the client’s software. In the first step I analyzed the functionalities of the software.

Next I rated the user experience of the software by checking it on a series of feature usability checkpoints. 
The assessment and results of this review were registered and formalized in a Usability Report that I handed over to the client.

Next step in this UX design process was to get inspiration and research from TMS (Transport Management System) programs and similar planning software. 
I also explored and constructed alternative interactions for the interactions with a ‘less good’ to ‘bad’ user experience.

In this stage we determined how content is structured and presented to the user.

Wireframing is designing the building blocks (the skeleton) In the case of the planning program, the focus was on wireframing the structure, layout, navigation & functionality of the software.

When the wireframe was finished I went to the next step and that was creating a visual style that matches the client’s corporate identity. The styleguide consists of typography, colors, important CSS styles,…

When the styleguide was finished I combined it with the wireframes to design the final representation of the planning program. These called mockups.

Lastly I added interactivity to the mockups through prototyping. This is an example model of the final digital product, in which the interface, features and user flow are visible.

I delivered the following items to my client:

  • Usability Rapport
  • Mockups in high resolution PDF & PNG format
  • CSS style guide in PDF & online format
  • A working prototype that can be opened via a shared link

User Experience & User Interface

02. App design

12GO developed an app that simplifies a driver’s tasks during their journey. The app provides daily planning visibility for the driver and allows for validation and correction of goods and quantities. Loading and unloading times are accurately recorded using a timer. Navigation can be initiated directly from the app, and documents can be scanned and automatically organized. Additionally, any damages or deviations can be saved as images in the dossier, and communication between the planner and driver is logged in the file.

Below, you can view the interface of the application that I designed.

Graphic Desgin

03. 12GO Track Folder design

I created a folder for one of my client’s products, named “12GO TRACK.” With 12GO TRACK, transport businesses can track the real-time location of their fleet and monitor individual journeys.

Web design

04. Website

Another significant project I undertook for my client involved designing and developing a new website for their business. This website allows visitors to learn more about their company and the services they offer.

Website Translation

I also ensured that my client’s website is translation-ready, with translations available in Dutch, French, and English.

You can use the slider in the middle of the image on the right to see the content switch from Dutch to French.

Graphic Desgin

05. Car Wrap design

Lastly, I also designed a car wrap for 12GO’s company vehicle.

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